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For the last few months, I've been reading Bob Goff's book, "Live in Grace, Walk in Love". It's a daily devotional, which usually isn't my thing (I like to read cover to cover) but it's Bob Goff so...if you haven't read any of his books, do yourself a favor and head to the library! I digress. I love this devotional because there is a funny story and reality of how difficult people view the concept of just loving people! It's encouraged me daily to BE LOVE! That's it. No rituals, chants or duties to be on the street screaming love. Be available and open to loving yourself and your neighbor. Love is action. Going outside of your comfort zone to make life just a little bit better for others. Love is kindness. Showing love is being kind in the face of those that are not kind to you. Love is acceptance. Accepting people right where they are without trying to change them (no matter how different they may be!).

Let everything you do be done in love [motivated and inspired by God’s love for us]. 1 Corinthians 16:14 AMP

What would life look like if EVERYTHING you did was in love?! Eat in love, sleep in love, work in love, play in love and shared your life in love. That type of devotion is rarely experienced. What if, starting today, you embraced interruptions in your day as love pokes from God instead of as an annoyance? I'm talking to myself here as well, especially with my children, who sometimes takes interruptions to the extreme because everything is important, including if they can eat whipped cream and honey for lunch!

My prayer today is that we will pause and reflect on the amazing love that the Father has shown us and focus on how we can be that same love to others. I pray that we can open up our schedules to embrace interruptions and see them as divine appointments. Let us take the time to pray for our neighbors and those that are without a home, food, or income. I pray that we can be the physical hands and feet of Jesus, sharing our love without limits, to those in our sphere of influence! In Jesus name, Amen!

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If you've been around me any amount of time, I STAY with a crazy idea, business venture, or random thought. Sometimes these random thoughts turn into businesses (y'all remember The Posh Piglet - great write off for all of Adrianna's baby clothes!) and sometimes they die on the vine, BUT I never stop dreaming. I've found that although I'm content with my life, where I am, and how I'm showing up in the world for myself and others, there's always space to dream a little bit bigger!

My how and why?! Well, while some people make resolutions for the beginning of the year (can you believe we are almost in November already?!), I will usually start getting quiet, letting go of the strong Power yoga practices in November and begin to search for my word for the next year. This word is literally the my anchor for the following year. No matter what monthly intentions or weekly focus points I have, I will always come back to my word for the year. I even put it the word a mantra band, along with a scripture and the year. Once I got my word, I start my...

VISION BOARD!! I LOVE vision boards and have been doing them for the last 8 years or so. They allow me to through any and everything against a plain white board and get a little creative with markers and stickers. Reminds me of Vicie circa 1990 with the LIsa Frank pens and stickers and reminiscing on THAT brings me joy!

After I get my vision board together, I make time to think about high level action steps and milestones. Cause those action plans pave the way for accountability! Every year it's something different, maybe a couple of really big goals are the same (like leaving Corporate America, which was on there the last few years). I keep the boards on a book shelf in my office and notice over time how the dreams eventually manifest themselves, either through direct action or through connections and relationships I've made throughout the years!

This is the first year I get to do a Vision Board Party outside of Corporate America! I'm slowly gathering the magazines and getting my snack menu together for food, fun, and an afternoon of dreaming! If you would like to join me and a few friends, check out the information below to register!

I’ve come into contact with so many people that have trust issues. Whether it’s from a past hurt in a relationship, childhood memories, or a cynicism about life in general - trust is hard for some.

What if…what if you let go of the hurt and tried trust again? What if you surrendered to the sweet calmness that forgiveness offers and being to trust?

Am I saying be naive and trust everyone?! Nope - but we can free ourselves from the emotional roller coaster that comes with not trusting people, environments or experiences…I’m talking to myself here, but if it lands with you, you’re welcome!

There is a release that happens in the mind and body when you begin to trust. Sometimes I don’t understand the when, what, where, how of situations and people (still learning to not lean on my own understanding!), but when I begin to let go of the emotional decisions and completely random opinions, gratitude fills my heart for the experience and I learn to trust reality and not the stories that I’ve concocted in my head. Is it hard? Yes. Thankfully, you/we can do hard things!

I‘m continuing my intention to trust in my Power and Yin classes this week! I hope that you will join me - first class is always free!

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